04. Computer Vision Applications

  1. Computer Vision Applications

Examples of Computer Vision Applications

In general, computer vision is used in many applications to recognize objects and their behavior. Below are some examples.

** Self-Driving Car**

Computer vision is used for vehicle and pedestrian recognition and tracking (to see their speed and predict movement).

Udacity self-driving car

Udacity self-driving car

** Medical Image Analysis and Diagnosis**

An AI system, using computer vision, can learn to recognize images of cancerous tissue and help with early detection and diagnoses.

Brain MRI, in which a tumor is recognized and colorized in an image

Brain MRI, in which a tumor is recognized and colorized in an image

Photo Tagging and Face Recognition

Computer vision can be trained to recognize and tag (or label) faces or different features in any given photo library. This is already a feature that many of our phones have!

Face recognition with labels for emotions

Face recognition with labels for emotions

** Image Retrieval**

As a compliment to image recognition, computer vision is also used to retrieve relevant images based on some search text/given label; this is called image retrieval. For example, searching the term "sunflower" in Google images, should return relevant images of sunflowers!

Image retrieval; searching for images of  a "sunflower"

Image retrieval; searching for images of a "sunflower"

Automatic Image Captioning

Using AI techniques and computer vision, a system can recognize behavior in images and caption it correctly.

Automatically captioned image; caption reads: "a man is eating a hot dog in a crowd"

Automatically captioned image; caption reads: "a man is eating a hot dog in a crowd"